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work unit

【计】 工作单位, 工作单元\n【经】 工作单位

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英文: A recent idea for preventing unearned computation credit is to ensure that each work unit has a number of intermediate results that the server can quickly check and that can be obtained only by performing the entire computation.

中文: 最近一项预防不劳而获的方法则是,让每个工作单元都有一系列能让伺服器快速检查的中介结果,但只有在执行完整个运算之后才能取得。        更详细...
英文: ARTICLE 21 Before the 15th day of the first month in each quarter, the designated work unit shall submit a report to the national CWC affairs authorities on the import and export activities carried out in the last quarter.

中文: 第二十一条被指定单位每季度第一个月十五日前向国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门报送上一季度进出口实际执行情况。        更详细...
英文: Article 26 The managerial personnel of technology market who neglect their duties, make embezzlement, accept bribery and engage in malpractice for personal gains shall be given administrative punishments by their work unit according to the seriousness of

中文: 第二十六条技术市场管理人员玩忽职守,贪污受贿,徇私舞弊的,根据情节轻重,由所在单位给予行政处分。        更详细...
英文: Established in May 1997, Shanghai Meimei Company was a collective work unit with 40 staff members. Last year it made a profit of 6.5 million yuan.

中文: 上海美美公司是成立于1997年5月的集体单位,有员工40名去年赢利650万。        更详细...
英文: Filip buys an 8mm camera to record the first years of his baby daughter, but his factory bosses decide that it is best used to serve the people, and request that he films various work unit functions.

中文: 菲腊花了两个月薪金买下八米厘摄影机,本想纪录刚出生女儿的成长,但厂长却要求他为单位服务,拍摄联欢晚会;误打误撞下,居然给他在电影节里捞了个三奖。        更详细...

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