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*[,spekju'leiʃәn]\nn. 沉思, 推测, 投机\n【经】 投机交易, 买空卖空

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英文: 70 Any railway worker who, by taking advantage of his or her office, engages in smuggling, speculation and profiteering, or collaborates with any other person or persons in smuggling, speculation and profiteering, shall be investigated for criminal respon

中文: 第七十一条铁路职工玩忽职守、违反规章制度造成铁路运营事故的,滥用职权、利用办理运输业务之便谋取私利的,给予行政处分;情节严重、构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。        更详细...
英文: A black market in foreign currency already exists as speculation persists that the government, unable to meet its obligations, may be forced to devalue.

中文: 因有人认为政府将无力履行义务可能不得不使货币贬值,因此外汇黑市仍旧存在。        更详细...
英文: A cut in the amount of money to spend on players and reports of a rift with manager Jose Mourinho h**e fuelled speculation in the media that the multimillionaire Russian has fallen out of love with the club he bought in 2003.

中文: 削减收购球员开支和与主教练何塞.穆里尼奥决裂的谣言,令媒体抓住机会来炒作传闻,指这位家财万贯的俄罗斯人对这间他在2003年买下的俱乐部已经热情不再。        更详细...
英文: A word-of-mouth sensation from the moment it came out, Brown's controversial mix of storytelling and speculation remains high on best-seller lists even as it begins its third year since publication.

中文: 布朗的小说把讲故事和推理以一种有争议的方式结合起来,从问世之初就广为流传,引起轰动一片,一直高居畅销书榜前列,尽管这本书出版至今已经是第三年了。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: From a historical speculation of the development of international navigation, the thesis, by tracing back to Zheng He's great feat of seven trips to the western seas, looks in to the future development trend on nautical technology in the 21st ce

中文: 提要:从世界航海事业发展的历史考量中,追述伟大航海家郑和七下西洋的不朽功绩,展望新世纪航海技术的发展趋势。        更详细...

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