英文: The Ogres acquired a taste for Cathayan flesh and raids soon began to stray into the rice fields in order to prey on the simple peasant children who worked there.
中文: 他们嗜食凯萨人的血肉,并且常常侵入那片富饶的土地,捕食那些天真的乡下孩子。
英文: Whether Cathayan astromancers had anything to do with the catastrophe that befell the Ogres remains speculation, but not too long after the bloodied bones of children began littering the paddy fields a bright light appeared in the sky and continued to gro
中文: 但孩子们鲜血淋漓的尸骨陈横荒野的日子并未持续太久,一道耀目的光辉出现在夜空之中,并且越来越亮,最终变成一道噼啪作响的邪恶光环闪烁在平原之上,一些目击者说——那就像是一张大嘴。