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pumping unit

【化】 水泵机组

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英文: A coupler drive system for pumping unit is developed by using the theory of hydraulic drive of coupler.

中文: 摘要运用耦合器液力传动原理,研制成功抽油机耦合器传动系统。        更详细...
英文: Applying the limited unit law the article carries out the static analysis to the electrical machinery commutation pumping unit support, calculated its static intensity and rigidity.

中文: 摘要应用有限单元法对电机换向抽油机支架进行了静态分析,计算了其静强度和刚度。        更详细...
英文: In view of the shortcomings of the existing energy-saving hydraulic pumping units, a new hydraulic pumping unit with closed oil circuit is developed, which realizes speed control by using variable frequency hydraulic technology and implements load balance

中文: 摘要针对现有多种节能型液压抽油机均存在装机功率大、能耗高、自适应能力差等缺点,提出了一种以蓄能器平衡载荷的变频液压闭式节能抽油机。        更详细...
英文: The hierarchical structure of a pumping unit motion model is established by analyzing its motional rules, its 3D virtual simulation is implemented by using IK and used to the downhole operation simulation system, therefore better result is achieved.

中文: 建立了抽油机关节运动模型的层次结构,实现了抽油机运动的三维仿真模拟;将其应用到井下作业仿真系统中,取得了良好的效果。        更详细...
英文: The main factors influencing power saving of the beam pumping unit with high slip motor are pumping speed of the unit, slip ratio of the motor and rotary inertia of rotating parts.

中文: 指出影响使用高转差率电动机的游梁式抽油机节能的主要因素是抽油机的冲次、电动机转差率和旋转件的转动惯量。        更详细...

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