英文: Do you attend operas, or do you read tawdry novels?
中文: 你会参观歌剧表演,还是阅读通俗小说?
英文: Fortunately, your desire to have only the best things in life prevents you from wasting money on cheap, tawdry items that don't stand the test of time.
中文: 幸运地是,你的欲望都在昂贵的物品上,这就避免你花钱买些既便宜又不实用的东西了。
英文: Godfrey Bloom of Britain's euro-skeptic U.K. Independence Party also criticized the video, calling it soft pornand cheap, tawdry and tacky.
中文: 反对欧盟整合及英国加入欧元区的英国独立党人士戈德弗里·布鲁姆也对这个视频进行了抨击,称之为“软色情”并形容其“低劣、下流、伤风败俗。”
英文: It was a fittingly tawdry end to what had become an increasingly tawdry melodrama.
中文: 对渐渐拔剌的剧情来说,这样拔剌的结局是在适合不过的了。
英文: So long as your tale does not turn into some tawdry bundle of lies existing solely to titillate the common reader, perhaps your relation of 's tale will have some merit, Volo.
中文: 只要你记载的事迹不要变成纯粹为了娱乐大众写的一箩筐卑贱谎言,也许你所写的传会有些优点,瓦罗。