英文: It comes as no surprise that Denmark is marking the bicentenary of its most famous son in grand style with the government and private firms footing a $40 million bill for a year-long event.
中文: 作为丹麦最著名的人物,难怪安徒生200周年诞辰排场会如此巨大:政府和私营公司出资四千万美元,整个庆典活动将持续一年.
英文: No surprise then, that Denmark is marking the bicentenary of its most famous son in grand style with the government and private firms footing a $40 million bill for a year-long event.
中文: 作为丹麦最著名的人物,难怪安徒生200周年诞辰排场会如此巨大:政府和私营公司出资四千万美元,整个庆典活动将持续一年。