英文: Under the leadership of the State Council, we formulated the Outline of the National Long and MediumTerm Program for Scientific and Technological Development based on two years of indepth research and extensive deliberation during which the views of all c
中文: 在国务院领导下,组织和动员各方面力量,经过两年多的深入研究和广泛论证,制定了《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》。
英文: INDEPTH MT is a joint project carried out by China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Washington University (Seattle, U.S.A) and Geological Survey of Canada.
中文: 介绍了“国际喜马拉雅和西藏高原深剖面及综合研究”(简称INDEPTH)项目概况、科学目标和已取得的主要科学成果。