英文: Be it a combination of beautiful bevels and textured glasses embedded in brass or lead, zinc cames to the same panels being carefully sealed between dual layers of tempered glass to ensure the ultimate in strength, security and insulation.
中文: 具有防盗、隔音、隔热、隔冷等特点,图案美观、立体感强,是宾馆、商场、酒店、别墅、民宅等场所的首选玻璃产品。
英文: Besides excellent flameproof feature,Monolithic cesiumic potassium flameproof glass is 6-12 times stronger than float glass and 1.5-3 tunes stribger than tempered glass with the same thickness.
中文: 单片防火玻璃除具有卓越的防火性能外,在相同厚度下强度上是浮法玻璃的6-12倍,钢化玻璃的1.5-3倍。
英文: Choosing high quanlity colored glass for material,utilizing processing,we fanricate xiangyang filter.Its coated surface and its specific spectral characteristic can meet your all kinds of demands.
中文: 向阳牌系列光学滤色镜,是采用有色光学玻璃材料,经过光学加工和表面真空镀膜的,它具有特定光谱特性。在摄影或摄像时使用向阳牌滤色镜,定能获得理想的效果。
英文: Smooth tempered glass is manufactured by heating up float glass to swiftly and uniformly ,with this special heat treatment and quenching process which increases glass strength up to four to five times VS,annealed glass ,in case stresses beyond its capacit
中文: 钢化玻璃是将浮法玻璃经过物理性淬火处理,使其表面形成均匀的压应力,而内部则形成张应力,从而有效的提高了玻璃的抗弯和抗冲击性能,强度达到了普通玻璃的3-4倍,当其破碎时则分裂成均匀纯角不易伤人的小颗粒,使其成为一种现代生活中理想的安全玻璃。
英文: You can see shattered glass under a leaf of a type of wild cucumber called Nimble Kate (Sicyos angulatus) and the unsightly glue of early restoration efforts on many other models.
中文: 在一种名为刺果瓜的野生黄瓜叶片下就可见到一些玻璃碎屑,其他模型也可发现早年修复时留下的黏胶,有点破坏作品的美观。