英文: After the need for ontology has actually become an invisible precondition of academic exploitation, and thus become profound and dynamic metaphysics question.
中文: 在海德格尔之后,人们对本体论的需要,实际上转变为一种无形的学术运演前提,它成有为一种高深莫测的、动态的玄学追问。
英文: Although the academic branch of metaphysics is most concerned about the nature of ultimate reality, popular metaphysical topics often include discussion and analysis of subjects beyond the physical third dimension.
中文: 尽管学院派的形而上学最关心终极实在的本质问题,但通俗的形而上学论题经常包括对超越三维物质事物的讨论和分析。
英文: And the third part is the clarifications and reflections about the metaphysics of the philosophy life.
中文: 第三个部分则是生命哲学的形上学一些问题澄清和反省。
英文: Anti-Plato poetic thinkers insist that poetry has a dimension of transcendence of metaphysics with which poetry is greatly valuated.
中文: 后世反柏拉图禁诗令的诗学理论家从柏拉图的形而上学立场出发建构了诗艺内容和超越性存在的关联,从而赋予了诗艺以极为崇高的地位。
英文: Art as the Existence of Life in a Godless World: Nietzschean Metaphysics of Arts and the Modernity Issues
中文: 艺术:无神世界的生命存在——尼采的艺术形而上学与现代性问题