英文: A major concern investors have about unsecured corporate bonds, no matter how highly rated, is that the rating agencies will downgrade them because of some disruptive event affecting the issuer.
中文: 投资者对于没有保证的公司债券的主要担心在于,不论现在的评级有多高,一旦发生对发行人产生严重影响的事件,评级机构将调低其评级。
英文: Although the agencies' models make it clear what rating they will give a bond on issue, it is less clear what will cause them to downgrade it later on.
中文: 尽管这些公司的运行模式在如何评级发行公司上已经有了明确的标准,但是在如何给发行公司降级这方面标准仍不明确。
英文: Bush entered office in 2001, determined to upgrade ties with Taiwan and to downgrade those with China, which he considered a strategic competitor.
中文: 布什2001年上台,●一心想把与台湾的关系●升级,把与他所认为是●战略竞争对象的中国的关系●降级。
英文: Every pedant, every demagogue, every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and I am sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character, will try to downgrade them even to the extent of mockery and ridicule.
中文: 每一个迂腐的学究,每一个蛊惑人心的政客,每一个玩世不恭的人,每一个伪君子,每一个专肇事端的人,很遗憾,还有其他个性完全不同的人,一定企图贬低它们,甚至达到愚弄、嘲笑它们的程度。
英文: In the case of a risky acquisition that moved the company away from its core markets, the likelihood of a downgrade by a “favoured” analyst was cut by 65 per cent.
中文: 如果一家公司在其核心市场之外进行高风险并购,“接受帮忙”的分析师对该公司降级的可能性减少了65%。