英文: Abstract: This paper briefly introduces the method of the hot correction for large size box beam including the principle and procedure of the correction,the selection of the allocated weight and the drawing method of the burning triangle,etc.
中文: 文摘:本文简要介绍了大尺寸箱形截面梁热校正的方法,包括校正原则及步骤,配重物重量的选择,烘烤三角形的画法。
英文: Compared with the railway bridge and culvert design specifications, the box beam structure design and construction method are seen rational and feasible.
中文: 通过有限元分析结果与铁路桥涵设计规范的比较得出,该箱梁结构设计合理,施工方案可行。
英文: During the construction of doube-track high-speed railways, box beam structures are used widely.
中文: 摘要在双线高速铁路建设中,广泛采用整体箱型梁结构形式。