英文: It analyzes the hydrologic effect from the aspects of rainfall interception of plants, splash erosion reduction and surface runoff control, analyzes the mechanical effect from the aspects of tensile strength of single root of plant, root-soil interaction,
中文: 从植物的截留降水、削弱溅蚀和抑制地表径流等方面分析了植被护坡的水文效应,并从植物单根抗拉强度、根-土相互作用、根-土复合体及边坡稳定分析等方面分析了植物护坡的力学效应,最后探讨了植被护坡的发展方向。
英文: The characteristic of top soil will changed by splash erosion and surface erosion, accordingly to alert the route of runoff and seepage and work to unconsistenty of soil erosion.
中文: 弃土场坡面地表土壤特性随着降雨击溅和径流冲刷的作用而发生变化,从而影响区域内径流和渗流途经,造成坡面产流的不一致性。