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resource management


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英文: Because the influence of organizational citizenship behavior on job evaluation is not often investigated in the filed of human resource management and organizational behavior, this study examines the relationships among job satisfaction, organizational co

中文: 由于在既有研究中,较少研究者针对组织公民行为与工作绩效之间的关系加以分析,本研究拟针对此点加以进一步地探讨。        更详细...
英文: By analyzing the requirements of electronic design, for example, need several type of criterions and techniques, this paper presents the collectivity frame and function model of electronic design resource management system based on distributed component t

中文: 摘要文章提出了基于分布式组件技术的电气设计资源管理系统的总体框架和功能模型,开发出一套面向制造企业的电气设计资源管理软件系统。        更详细...
英文: Ecosystems naturally have an ability to buffer change and alloww adjustment over time.Ecological balance is the practice of limiting human impact to a point where sustainable resource management becomes possible in situation that would otherwise damage th

中文: 生态系统有缓和自然界变化并调节自然的天然能力,这种能力随时间流逝而显现.保持生态平衡的做法可以将人类对自然的影响限制到某个点,此时,除非采用可持续的资源管理,否则生态系统会遭到破坏或最终导致自然资源的枯竭.        更详细...
英文: Explanation of Cover Human Resources : the enlarged people image inside heart shape means human resource management should base on sincerity to inspire potentiality and create infinite productivity with finite resource.

中文: 人力资源:心形部份人像扩大,意喻人力资源管理应本乎诚心,激发潜能,以有限资源创造无限产能。        更详细...
英文: Fluent in English communications, 1 year working experience in UK; another year worked as director of faculty of foreign language of language school; human resource management in a foreign investment company.skilful in organizing and strategy decision, fi

中文: 稳定的英语基础,具有外语教学研究及管理经验,曾在职于外资企业的人力资源管理岗位上.善于组织策划,适应能力强;能远地及国外出差;热爱生活,乐观人生。        更详细...

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