英文: A feeling of sadness and joy filled the air, as they watched E.T. approach the ship that would take him home.
中文: 在悲喜交加的气氛中,他们目送E.T.向那接他回家的飞船走去。
英文: A feeling of sadness runs through her poetry.
中文: 她的诗贯穿著一种忧伤的情感。
英文: Abounded with sadness in her heart, she threw the watch with the abbreviation of her husband's name into the sea.
中文: 因为她心中充满沮丧,她将一块有她丈夫名字缩写的手表扔入大海。
英文: And in those mopey scenes, her teary eyes genuinely opened up the characters' soul to the audience and let out the profound sadness and overwhelming sorrow inside.
中文: 在那些忧伤的场景中,她那双泪眼汪汪的向观众传达了人物的心灵,使她内心深处的深厚的悲伤与哀怨尽现观众眼底。
英文: “EVERYONE was waiting, some with sadness and others with oligarchic glee, for the crumbling of the Cuban Revolution.” So says Fidel Castro this week in the latest of a series of articles published in Granma, the official Communist Party newspaper.
中文: “如今每个人都期待着古巴革命的彻底粉碎,一些人悲喜焦急而却给另一些寡头派政客们带来了欢乐”。