英文: It is now concentrating on ushering in a democratic republic, with a multiparty democracy within a constitutional framework that is anti-feudal and anti-imperialist, and requiring extensive reorganisation of state power to resolve problems related to clas
中文: 尼共(毛主义)目前是通过一种在反帝反封建的宪法框架内,采用多党民主的方式,实现对国家机器的根本改造,以解决阶级,性别,种姓和民族/地区等问题。
英文: The cultural programme of the old Three People's Principlesdeveloped by bourgeois revolutionaries formed a comparatively thorough anti-imperialist and anti-feudal theoretical system, including the equality of nations, main right for people, the historical
中文: 摘要资产阶级革命派旧三民主义的文化纲领,已经具备比较彻底的反帝反封建的民族平等、主权在民、民生史观和科学启蒙的理论体系,是旧民主主义文化革命纲领的成熟。
英文: The meeting was but the thin end of the wedge; it was the beginning of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement.
中文: 那次大会仅仅是一个苗头,它是反帝反封建运动的开端。