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average energy

【电】 平均能

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英文: By using band and equal distance wavelet transform and average energy method, the ground roll wave can be recognized and suppressed belier, hence obtaining good results.

中文: 采用窄档等频距小波变换方法,在含面波的低频频带内,用平均能量法识别和压制面波,取得良好效果。        更详细...
英文: In a study published in the journal Obesity Reviews, they calculated the average energy density of menus at McDonald's, KFC and Burger King, using nutritional data from the fast food chains' websites.

中文: 《肥胖评论》杂志发表了他们的研究结果,他们通过快餐连锁网站上的营养数据计算了麦当劳、肯德基和汉堡王食品的平均能量密度。        更详细...
英文: In the low band of wavelet transform, energy of ground roll wave is normally greater than the average energy in overall band of seismic reflection event, which is regarded as the discrimination criterion for it.

中文: 在小波分频后的含面波频带内,同一时刻较强面波能量总要比该时刻全排列的平均能量大得多,这是分频识别强面波的判别准则。        更详细...
英文: For a composite radiated at average energy of 0 keV,pulse width of ns,and fluence of J/cm~,the coupling coefficient of the blowoff impulse was measured as about 0 70Pa·s/(J·cm~(-)).

中文: 实验结果表明,在平均能量为0 keV、平均半高宽为 ns和平均能注量为 J/cm的软X射线辐射下,测得一种复合材料的喷射冲量耦合系数为0 70 Pa·s/(J·cm-)。        更详细...
英文: The average energy budget was: 00C = 8.89F + . 0U + .8R + . G, where C is food consumption, F is faecal production, U is excretion, R is metabolism and G isgrowth.

中文: 温度对食物能分配于能量收支各组分的比例没有显著影响,在 个温度下测定的平均能量收支式为:00C=9.89F+ . 0U+.8R十. G,式中C为食物能,F为排粪能,U为排泄能,R为代谢能,G为生长能。        更详细...

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