英文: Community members participate actively in the liturgy as music ministers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, sacristans, and altar servers.
中文: 礼仪中各服务如读经、送圣体、傅祭、翻译、音乐礼仪等都是由团体中的教友轮流负责。
英文: While the Last Supper is a typical subject chosen for the decoration of many refectories because of the Eucharistic theme of sacrifice, Leonardo chose to capture the moment in which Jesus announces to the apostles that he knows one of them will betray him
中文: 因为圣体牺牲的主题,「最后的晚餐」成为许多食堂装饰中的典型题材,达文西选择捕捉当耶稣向门徒们宣布他知道他们之中有人会背叛他时的瞬间。