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industrial chain


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英文: ET has integrated industrial chain from ingots,wafers,cells,modules to pv applied system,and steady order in pivotal material of ingots, wafers and cells,We have an capacity of 30MW in a year,and provide OEM for other clients,except self-supporting produc

中文: 公司在拥有从硅棒、硅片、电池片到组件加工、光伏应用系统到终端的完整产业链,并在硅棒、硅片与电池片等关键原料方面有稳定的采购渠道,现有30兆瓦的组件年生产能力,除自营产品外,尚可对外提供OEM加工业务;公司组件产品规格齐全,产品性能优良,产品主要销往欧洲、北美及日韩等国家和地区。        更详细...
英文: In this paper, the position and functions of libraries in e-publishing industrial chain are discussed from 3 aspects: the development history of e-publishing; the main distribution channel of e-publishing at the present stage; the interactive relationship

中文: 摘要本文尝试从数字出版发展历史、现阶段数字出版销售主渠道和图书馆与数字出版的互动关系等三个方面论述图书馆在数字出版产业链中的地位和作用。        更详细...
英文: So company has developed main products of lemon oil, lemon juice concentrated, lemon pectin, and adjunctive products of lemon fresh fruit, lemon powder and feed product series with a complete industrial chain consisting of cultivation, R&D, processing, an

中文: 由此,形成了以柠檬油、柠檬浓缩汁、柠檬果胶为主导产品,柠檬鲜果、柠檬粉、柠檬干片、饲料等为辅助产品的产品系列,构建了从种植、研发、加工到市场营销的完整产业链。        更详细...
英文: The company product take the high tech content product as a mainstream,provides by the laboratory commonly used many kinds of instrumentation equipment,has formed the multiplex product structure and the sales network,founded a good industrial chain link,c

中文: 公司产品以高科技含量产品为主流,配备以实验室常用的多种仪器设备,形成了多元化的产品结构和销售网络,创建了一个良好的产业链条,能为客户提供更优质的服务。        更详细...
英文: With fully utilization of existing experts , resources, international capital, advanced management and technology of other countries, The Group gradually set up a new energy industrial chain with lower, middle and higher integration in the process Of CBM

中文: 集团充分利用现有专家、资源、国际资本和先进的管理模式,融汇各国先进技术,从煤层气的勘探、设计、钻井、抽采、液化、生产、储备、物流运输到营销网络建设,逐步构建新能源上、中、下一体化的产业链。        更详细...

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