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track down

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英文: About a decade ago software emerged that could match one photograph to another or take a graphic representation—say, a large red dot on a green background—and track down pictures of a rose in a database [see “Finding Pictures on the Web,” by Gary Stix; Sc

中文: 早在大约10年以前,就已经有软体能够比对照片,或利用图片的特徵(如绿色背景中的大红点),从资料库里找出玫瑰图片(参见延伸阅读1)。        更详细...
英文: Allow me give you a few ideas as to how to track down your special niche.

中文: 下面是我给你的一些关于发展个人利基市场的想法。        更详细...
英文: Analyze the project , outline the information you need, track down someone with answers, and enjoy the positive energy of accomplishment.

中文: 享受完成这件指派的成就感所带来的正面能量。        更详细...
英文: Article 109 In order to collect criminal evidence and track down an offender, investigators may search the person, belongings and residence of the criminal suspect and anyone who might be hiding a criminal or criminal evidence, as well as other relevant p

中文: 第一百零九条为了收集犯罪证据、查获犯罪人,侦查人员可以对犯罪嫌疑人以及可能隐藏罪犯或者犯罪证据的人的身体、物品、住处和其他有关的地方进行搜查。        更详细...
英文: Desperate, the impoverished rural families of the children gather what little money and treasure they possess to hire five unusual heroes to track down their kids and bring them back to their village.

中文: 铤而走险,贫困乡村孩子的家人凑集起他们所拥有可怜钱财雇了5位不同寻常的英雄去追踪他们孩子的下落,并将其带回村庄。        更详细...

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