英文: Arafat earned international prestige and Palestinian re ect verging on hero worship for holding out agai t the Israelis in Beirut for three months without the su ort of any Arab regime.
中文: 政权)阿拉法特在没有任何阿拉伯政权支持的情况下在黎巴嫩坚持斗争3个月,因此赢得了国际威望和巴勒斯坦人近乎英雄式的尊敬。
英文: Arafat earned international prestige and Palestinian respect verging on hero worship for holding out against the Israelis in Beirut for three months without the support of any Arab regime.
中文: 政权)阿拉法特在没有任何阿拉伯政权支持的情况下在黎巴嫩坚持斗争3个月,因此赢得了国际威望和巴勒斯坦人近乎英雄式的尊敬。
英文: Harry's reputation has definitely not gone to his head; Dobby's hero worship embarrasses him greatly, and Harry's first response is to try to make Dobby see Harry as he truly is (or at least as he sees himself).
中文: 哈利出名的诚实肯定没有从他脑子里消失,多比对他的英雄崇拜使他很尴尬,哈利最先做出的反应就是试着使多比明白真正的哈利(至少自己眼中的自己)究竟是什么样子。
英文: The Mongols' hero worship for Geser includes various respects such as Mongolian legend, temple, Aobao, sacrifice, Nadamu, family training and so on.
中文: 蒙古人对格斯尔英雄的信仰崇拜,集中体现在风物传说、寺庙、敖包、祭祀、那达慕、家教等诸方面。