英文: Because it can be exceedingly contagious in aerosol form, the Ebola virus ranks with smallpox and anthrax as one of the most worrisome potential biological weapons.
中文: 刚果共和国于去年爆发相关疫情,期间共有178人感染病毒,其中157人死于出血热。
英文: So far we have been lucky: recent outbreaks of new diseases—namely, SARS in Asia and Ebola in Africa—have been mercifully limited.
中文: 到目前为止我们还算幸运,最近爆发的新疾病,像亚洲的SARS及非洲的伊波拉,都还算仁慈,未产生扩大的影响。
英文: Since the discovery of filovirus family(including Marburg and Ebola viruses) over forty years has gone,yet its natural epidemical history remains unclear.
中文: 丝状病毒(包括马尔堡与埃波拉病毒)被发现已有0余年,对其自然流行病学尚不清楚。