英文: 1 After a musical interlude, the director of the United Nations Office in Geneva read a message from the U.N. secretary-general in tribute to the man who would not be around to lead this week's important public health debate.
中文: 在一段哀乐之后,联合国在日内瓦的总部主任宣读了来自联合国秘书长的信函来表达对这位不能到场主持本周有关公共卫生重要会议人物的赞颂。
英文: 1970 Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act prohibits broadcast advertising of cigarettes.
中文: 1970年,公众健康吸烟法,禁止播放香烟广告。
英文: A Harvard School of Public Health survey released last month reported that more students are abstaining from alcohol, but levels of binge drinking having at least four or five drinks at a sitting are the same as in the early 1990s.
中文: 哈佛大学公共卫生学院上个月的一份调查报告表明,已经有越来越多的学生主动戒绝饮酒,但是另一方面学生们在聚会时的饮酒量却仍不见减少,还像20世纪90年代初一样一饮便是4、5杯。
英文: “Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation”, approved by the Public Health Ministry and the Committee of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, is a state-level technical journal published bimonthly and distributed domestically and abr
中文: 《中国医疗器械杂志》是经科委、卫生部批准,在国内外正式出版发行的国家级技术刊物,已有近40年的历史。
英文: “The campaign says nothing about what the government or the food industry could do to help people to eat less and move more,” says Marion Nestle,chair of the Department of Nutrition,Food Studies and Public Health at New York University.
中文: 纽约大学营养、食品与公共卫生系主任马里恩·耐斯特说:“这项活动根本没有提及政府和食品工业在帮助人们少吃多动方面能做什么。”