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essential condition

【法】 必要条件

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英文: ABSTRACT: This paper argues that the difference strategy should be the inevitable development direction of cities in the 21st centuries .The difference model will be used to analysis the competition of cities .A study on the essential condition and develo

中文: 摘要:探讨差异化战略作为21世纪城市在全球化背景下发展路径的可能性,通过建立差异化模型对城市发展战略竞争绩效进行分析,研究了实施城市差异化发展的必要条件和途径。        更详细...
英文: As the customary law of war applies to cases of international armed conflict and to the forcible occupation of enemy territory generally as well as to declared war in its strict sense, a declaration of war is not an essential condition of the application

中文: 战时国际法之惯例法适用于国际武装冲突,及强制性占领敌方领土和已经宣战之情况,但公告宣战并非适用战时国际法的主要条件。        更详细...
英文: Consequently, American Indians not only honor and revere the creation deity as well as all natural beings, but also worship the sacred hoop that unifies all things of the universe into itself, viewing the quintessential condition of harmony, balance and t

中文: 因此,印第安人不仅尊崇创世神灵和自然界万物生灵,而且崇拜把宇宙间万事万物统一于自身的神圣环形,把神圣环形之中的和谐平衡统一视作最完美的境界。        更详细...
英文: Has never realized, the Confucianist theory and the religious system are incompatible with originally, the Confucianist theory does not have the essential condition which should have.

中文: 殊不知,儒家学说和宗教体系本就格格不入,儒家学说不具备应有的必要条件。        更详细...
英文: When there is a buyer's market, the provision of a bond can be made an essential condition for the granting of the contract.

中文: 如果是买方市场,则提供保函可作为同意签订合同的必要条件。        更详细...

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