英文: Celia: But I saw you when both of you got out of the car. He opened the car door for you. How can it be true?
中文: 西莉亚:可我看见你们俩下车时,他殷勤的为你打开车门,怎么会呢?
英文: Maggie. I didn't even hear your car door slam.
中文: 我都没听见你关车门的声音。
英文: Maggie? Thought I heard a car door slam.
中文: 我认为听到了关车门的声音。
英文: P Don't worry, Sir. We are the firemen. We have to cut down the distorted car door with a non—tooth saw.
中文: 警:先生,您别紧张,我们是消防队员,我们得用无齿锯先把变形的车门切掉。
英文: Soon Mr.Ho will install an iron gate across the side entrance to his10-by-4-foot stall, and then he says he will be able to sleep again. But just as he is saying this, a motorist opens a car door and bangs it against the back of the kiosk and the propriet
中文: 不久何先生就会在他的十尺长四尺宽的木屋的侧门前面装一个铁门。他说那样他就可以高枕无忧了。话犹未了,一个驾车人打开车门时,猛然撞到报亭后墙,吓得报亭主人几乎魂不附体。