英文: I've got letters from every goalkeeper at Portsmouth. I've got one from Ricardo who plays for Sporting Lisbon and I have got Shay Given who texted me a message.
中文: 朴次茅斯的每个守门员都给我寄来了信件,里斯本竞技的里卡多也给了我一封。沙伊·基文给我发了一条短信。
英文: Pretty young women sashay across stage, thoughtfully answer questions and perform dances but the Rabin Ajaw pageant, which picks Guatemala's Maya Indian beauty queen, is no typical beauty contest.
中文: 在选美大赛上,人们看惯了参赛佳丽摇摆着穿过舞台,机智地回答提问,自信地展现才艺……然而,危地马拉近日举行的玛雅印地安人选美大赛绝非一场普通的选美赛。
英文: Recently, when Newcastle visited West Ham, their goalkeeper, Shay Given, sustained an injury after a difficult challenge and left Upton Park in an ambulance.
中文: 最近,当纽卡斯尔作客西汉姆时,他们的门将吉文也在一次铲抢中重伤,坐上救护车离开了厄普顿公园。
英文: In 990s, Landscape and Sashay are the most two principal imagoes in prose.
中文: 第二部分:聚焦“山河”与“庭院”的双向主体意象。 在90年代的散文中,“山河”与“庭院”这两个代表性意象具有象征意义。
英文: Network Literature: Sashay between the Media and Culture
中文: 网络文学:媒介与文化间的行走