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英文: Article 32 Where bodily injury is caused by a product due to its defect, the infringer shall compensate for the medical expenses of the infringed, the decreased earning due to the loss of his working time as well as the subsistence allowance if the infrin

中文: 第三十二条因产品存在缺陷造成受害人人身伤害的,侵害人应当赔偿医疗费、因误工减少的收入、残废者生活补助费等费用;造成受害人死亡的,并应当支付丧葬费、抚恤费、死者生前抚养的人必要的生活费等费用。        更详细...
英文: Article 9 Retirement pension and subsistence allowance for workers are paid by the management of their former enterprises; for Party and government organs, mass organizations and public institutions, the county level civil affairs departments of their abo

中文: 第九条工人的退休费、退职生活费,企业单位,由企业行政支付;党政机关、群众团体和事业单位,由退休、退职工人居住地方的县级民政部门另列预算支付。        更详细...
英文: At least [two (2)] representatives of Distributor shall attend a training course in the service and repair of the Products at Supplier's place of business, all expenses in connection therewith to be met by the [Supplier except travelling and subsistence e

中文: 经销商应至少派出[两]名代表参加在供应商营业地点召开的就经销产品服务和维修举办的培训课程,一切相关费用应由[供应商承担(但差旅费和生活费除外)][经销商承担]。        更详细...
英文: But the harsh words of the father in a drunken moment of excessive ancestral pride cause a dignified departure with the conciliatory donation of half her means of subsistence and the intimation that she is rejoining her husband.

中文: 但父亲在一次酒后的刺耳话语中说了一些有关家世过分骄矜的话,使苔丝傲然离开了家。她把自己一半的生活费留给父母,并告诉他们她要去找丈夫团聚。        更详细...
英文: CHHINDWARA is a hilly, rural district in the middle of India, where the main town is choked by Honda motorbikes, but the fields are still heavily populated by subsistence farmers reliant on the rains to feed their crops.

中文: 钦德瓦拉位于印度中部多山的农业区,在那儿本田牌的摩托车密密麻麻的拥堵在主城区,但是在这边土地上,人口绝大多数还是靠雨水来灌溉庄稼的贫农。        更详细...

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