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*[pә'tenʃәl];n. 潜在性, 可能性, 潜力, 潜能, 势, 位;a. 有潜力的, 可能的, 潜在的;【医】

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*[pә'tenʃәl]\nn. 潜在性, 可能性, 潜力, 潜能, 势, 位\na. 有潜力的, 可能的, 潜在的\n【医】 电位, 电势, 潜在的, 可能的, 潜力, 潜势\n【经】 潜在的, 有可能的

英文: [br]Another important issue for some departments of the US government, particularly the Department of Defense, is potential for perceived energy security threats to drive China's military modernization.

中文: 美国一些政府部门(尤其是国防部)中存在着威胁中国能源安全的重大问题,这是促使中国加快军事现代化的潜在动因。        更详细...
英文: [br]As discussed elsewhere, an ever-increasing number of extracorporeal devices of varying complexity and strategies for transplantation of hepatocytes and stem cells are being developed as potential alternatives to auxiliary partial OLT for providing tem

中文: 参考译文:象在其它地方讨论过的一样,不断增加的体外设备,这些体外设备是针对肝细胞和干细胞移植的具有可变复杂性和策略,正被发展为对FHF患者提供暂时性肝脏支持的辅助部分肝移植的潜在的替代物。        更详细...
英文: [br]upon request of the Seller, confirm to potential financiers of the Project its interest, subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Exclusivity Agreement, in the output generated or to be generated by the Project.

中文: 遵照卖家的要求,根据本排他性合作协议的条款和条件,向项目潜在购买出资方确认卖方在本项目已经产生或将产生的任何产出中的权益。        更详细...
英文: (Welcome to Front Advertising .We are glad to your cooperation with our test, these questions ,as informal ,will indentify your potential and what kind of work you can endure .So, please try your best to do it ,if private or unknown profile is included ,l

中文: 您好,欢迎应聘前线文化传播有限公司,很高兴您能配合我们的问题测试,以下问题作为新鲜人之潜能力及未来担负力的一项非正式笔试,请您发挥最佳状态应答之,题目涉及私人或对提示材料一无所知者,可避开另选。        更详细...
英文: – When I see the figures of men and women moving listlessly behind their prison walls, sheltered, secluded for a few brief hours, I am appalled by the potentialities for drama that are still contained in these feeble bodies.

中文: 每当我看到男男女女在监狱大墙后面无精打采地移动—他们头上有遮盖,只是与世隔绝短短的几小时—我便大吃一惊,这些衰弱的人身上居然仍具有表现出情趣的潜力。        更详细...

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