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capital contribution【经】


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英文: Article 159 Any sponsor or shareholder of a company who, in violation of the provisions of the Company Law, makes a false capital contribution by failing to pay the promised cash or tangible assets or to transfer property rights, or surreptitiously withdr

中文: 第一百五十九条公司发起人、股东违反公司法的规定未交付货币、实物或者未转移财产权,虚假出资,或者在公司成立后又抽逃其出资,数额巨大、后果严重或者有其他严重情节的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处虚假出资金额或者抽逃出资金额百分之二以上百分之十以下罚金。        更详细...
英文: Article 23 The registered capital of a limited liability company is the amount of capital contribution actually paid up by all shareholders and registered with the company registration authority.

中文: 第二十三条:有限责任公司的注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的全体股东实缴的出资额。        更详细...
英文: Article 33 In the duration of the partnership, pursuant to the partnership agreement or the decision reached by all the partners, the partnership may increase the capital contribution in the partnership for the purpose of expanding operation or covering l

中文: 第三十三条合伙企业存续期间,合伙人依照合伙协议的约定或者经全体合伙人决定,可以增加对合伙企业的出资,用于扩大经营规模或者弥补亏损。        更详细...
英文: Article 61 A promoter or shareholder who illicitly withdraws his capital contribution after the establishment of the company shall be ordered to correct his wrongs and fined at least five per cent and no more than ten per cent of the capital contribution

中文: 第六十一条公司的发起人、股东在公司成立后,抽逃出资的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处以所抽逃出资金额百分之五以上百分之十以下的罚款。        更详细...
英文: Article 74 After a company transfers its stock rights according to Articles 72 and 73 of this Law, it shall cancel the capital contribution certificate of the former shareholder, issue a capital contribution certificate to the new shareholder and modify t

中文: 第七十四条依照本法第七十二条、第七十三条转让股权后,公司应当注销原股东的出资证明书,向新股东签发出资证明书,并相应修改公司章程和股东名册中有关股东及其出资额的记载。        更详细...

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