英文: By comparison, China's real estate tax revenue only accounts for approximately 10% of local fiscal revenue, far from becoming an adequate revenue source for local governments.
中文: 相对于以上国家而言,我国房地产税收收入仅占地方财政收入的10%左右,根本不能为地方政府提供充足的收入来源。
英文: REIT investment increased throughout the 1980s with the elimination of certain real estate tax shelters.
中文: 整个80年代,REIT投资在免去一些不动产税的庇护下不断增加。
英文: The paper proposes that the goal of real estate tax reform should be raising stable and sustainable fiscal revenues for local governments based on the current situation of fiscal difficulties of local governments and the theory of Real estate tax, and tri
中文: 本文根据我国地方财政运行的现状,结合房地产税的理论分析,提出房地产税改革的主要目标应定位为地方政府提供稳定可持续的收入来源,并以成都市为案例来说明改革后的不动产税是否能够成为市级财政的主体税种。
英文: This article trys to analyse the real estate taxation system of western typical developed countries and its policy trend, then we can learn experience from them and uniform real estate tax in the new round of tax system reforms.
中文: 比较美、加、日等西方典型发达国家物业税收制度,分析国外物业税的政策趋向,试图将其一些先进方法思想运用到中国的物业税改革中,从而为中国顺利的推行物业税提供借鉴。