英文: Gestational age approximately 20 to 23 weeks. Perform an emergency hysterotomy to enable successful resuscitation of the mother, not the survival of the delivered infant, which is unlikely at this gestational age.
中文: 妊娠年龄为20~23周的孕妇施行急诊剖宫产手术能对母亲成功施行复苏,但不可能挽救婴儿的生命。
英文: Gestational age approximately _24 to 25 weeks. Perform an emergency hysterotomy to save the life of both the mother and the infant.
中文: 妊娠年龄大于等于24~25周的孕妇施行急诊剖宫产能同时挽救母亲和胎儿的生命。