英文: Accepted Energyis a graph showing the energy of each accepted move in this trajectory. (x-axis is progress in the trajectory, y-axis is energy.
中文: 显示的是当前轨迹中每次被接受的移动的能量。(横轴为当前轨迹的进度,纵轴为能量。)
英文: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyis a popular saying in the United States.
中文: 只学习,不玩耍,孩子会变傻是美国一句流行的俗语。
英文: American Beautyis not as dark or twisted as Happiness,last year's attempt to shine a light under the rock of American society.
中文: 不像影片“幸福”那样黑暗和扭曲,《美国丽人》给社会带来一丝光芒。
英文: Congwen Autobiographyis the elaboration of congwen twenty years' life in the 1930s.
中文: 摘要《从文自传》是作家沈从文在20世纪30年代对自己20年人生的总结。
英文: Corporate umbrella branding strategyis to employ a corporate brand as an endorser to support the product brand, and show both names on the package or in the advertising.
中文: 摘要「企业品牌伞策略」意指以企业名称带领个别产品品牌,为产品品牌背书的一种品牌策略,属于上下层次的影响关系,与一般品牌延伸策略中,产品与产品问的平行相互影响有所不同。