英文: American industry has changed its structure, has gone on a diet, has learnt to be more quick-witted,according to Richard Cavanaugh, executive dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.
中文: “美国的工业已经改变了结构,消除了滞胀,学会了明智”,这是哈佛大学肯尼迪管理学院行政院长理查德?卡佛纳的看法。
英文: As quickly as we fell into this, we can fall out of it,Torre said.
中文: 老爹说:当我们很快的墬入,我们能迅速的爬出来。
英文: At the four position, we're kinda small,Anthony admitted, but at the same time, we've got a lot of speed and quickness out there.
中文: “4号位我们可能个头小了点,”安东尼承认,“但另一方面,我们有速度,反应快,我们会把这发挥出来。”
英文: BAD CARBS: Sugary foods and starches like many pastas, white bread, and potatoes that are quickly absorbed in our digestive system and quickly raise our blood sugar levels.
中文: 非健康碳水化合物:糖份多的食物和淀粉类食物,它们极易被我们的消化系统吸收,并导致血糖含量迅速升高。这类食品包括许多面食、白面包和各种土豆。
英文: Come quickly and give me your aid,he shouted, for I must bend this pine to the ground.
中文: 快来帮我,他大声说,我必须要把这棵树板到地上。