英文: A mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate extends from portal areas and disrupts the limiting plate of hepatocytes which are undergoing necrosis, the so-called piecemealnecrosis of chronic active hepatitis.
中文: 单核细胞浸润从门脉区延伸,破坏正在坏死(也称为慢性活动性肝炎的“碎片状”坏死)的肝细胞界板。
英文: A young operative on the team, Ulli Trey, offered to take the risk and try to infiltrate the facility.
中文: 小队里的一名叫尤莉。特里的特工自愿冒险尝试渗透这座设施。
英文: Beware of the fifth column. They often infiltrate into key positions and seek to undermine the body politic from within.
中文: 要提防隐蔽的敌人,他们经常渗透到关键岗位企图从内部破坏国家政体。
英文: Characteristic sparganum accompanied by granulomatous inflammation, eosinophilic infiltrate and sinus tract in the subcutaneous tissue were discovered under microscopic examination of the excised tissue.
中文: 病理检查发现在真皮下层除了肉芽肿炎症反应,嗜伊红性白血球浸润及腔道形成外,并有一条典型的幼裂头绦虫。
英文: Committee members say the al-Qaida terrorist network took advantage of the post-invasion security vacuum to infiltrate into Iraq and launch a campaign of sabotage and suicide bombings.
中文: 这个委员会成员说,基地组织利用伊拉克战争后的安全真空渗透伊拉克,并发起了破坏和自杀式爆炸袭击的行动。