英文: 1 When flanges are integral with fittings or valves, holes for bolts are drilled to straddle the center line.
中文: 1如果法兰与连接件或阀门构成一个整体,则螺栓孔钻在圆心线两侧。
英文: It's hard to make out quite what is happening, but it seems like the flanges on the sides of the worm-like organs have grown and are standing out erect.
中文: 很难实在地想像发生了甚麽事,看来虫样的器官外交叠的位置有些东西伸长及伸延了出来。
英文: Shear properties in the plane of the panel (interlaminar shear) duplicate the kind of shear stress encountered in such glued structural assemblies as structural sandwiches and adjacent to gluelines between flanges and webs in box-beams and I-beams and gus
中文: 面板平面的剪切特性(层间剪切),与夹层结构这类粘合组件,以及箱形梁、工字梁凸缘与腹板间的焊接层和桁架加固板附近位置所受的剪切应力类型相同。
英文: The unit should be compressed between standard Class 125 or Class 250 cast iron flanges using standard gasket material.
中文: 这种装置应该夹在标准125磅级或250磅级铸铁法兰之间,采用标准垫圈材料。
英文: The valve can be installed in horizontal or vertical. Add seal cushion between two flanges connection and screw down bolt.
中文: 本阀可水平或垂直安装,安装时两法兰连接中间必须加密封垫片,然后均匀锁紧螺栓。