英文: Even if the true number is much higher, this is only the smallest of escape valves in the great political pressure-cooker that is China's troubled countryside.
中文: 即便真实数字要远高于此,这也只是这个巨大的政治高压锅--问题重重的中国农村--上面最小的一个放气筏罢了。
英文: The study offered two main explanations for the cheating: the pressure-cooker atmosphere of business school leaves many students willing to compete by any means available, and corporate scandals have distorted the standards of many business students.
中文: 该研究对这种欺骗行为给出两个解释:商学院高压环境让许多学生为了竞争不择手段,而企业丑闻也已扭曲了许多商学院学生的处世标准。