英文: Allows any to bring own the small backless stool and the dandy magazine with the Chinese team competition team goalkeeper goes on stage the competition, but gets up the time in the Chinese team which the foot shoots must respect match, suitably makes the
中文: 允许任何与中国队比赛的球队守门员自带小板凳和花花公子杂志上场比赛,但在中国队起脚射门的时候应当尊重对手,适当做出反应。
英文: Everything was to be fine and dandy once Peter started his new job.
中文: 一旦彼得有了新工作,一切都会好的。
英文: Nancy, Judy and Margaret, Peter, Dandy ,Paul and John.
中文: 南希,朱迪,还有玛格丽特,彼得,丹迪,保罗和约翰。
英文: No matter whether you are a dandy or a vagrant, whether a church mouse or always the center of attention, when you come to Shanghai, even if you lock yourself in solitary confinement, you can't help but be infected by the city's unique bourgeois spirit.
中文: 即使你很高傲,即使你很懒散,即使你很羞涩,即使你很偏激,只要你来到上海,而又不想自我封闭离群索居,总会沾染上几丝上海独有的小资情调。
英文: The dandy cares too much about the smartness of his clothes.
中文: 那个花花公子有些过份注意他的衣着。