英文: An example is mangroves, in which the seeds germinate into good-sized seedlings before they are released from the plant, enabling them to plunge far enough into the mud to establish themselves.
中文: 例如红树林的种子可以在脱离母株前发育成相当大体积的树苗,这使幼苗可以栽入足够远的淤泥中进行自身的巩固发展。
英文: However,only did a few pollen germinate in inter-specific hybridization between Cerasus fruticosa and C. avian and many pollen tubes are crosswise on stigma and couldnt penetrated into style.Although a few pollen tubes entered,they couldnt continue to gro
中文: 而草原樱桃与欧洲甜樱桃种间杂交授粉后花粉在柱头上虽少量萌发,但花粉管在柱头上横向生长,或盘绕,扭曲不能伸入花柱;个别进入花柱的花粉管先端因沉积胼胝质而中途停止伸长未能进入子房到达胚珠,从而说明这种杂交授粉后花粉管的不正常行为是导致草原樱桃与欧洲甜樱桃远缘杂交不亲和的主要原因。
英文: The gametes fuse to form a zygote, which develops into the sporophyte, and the spores germinate and produce the gametophyte, so forming a cycle.
中文: 配子融合产生合子,进而发育为孢子体,孢子萌发产生配子体,形成一个循环。
英文: Warmth and moisture germinate seeds.
中文: 温暖潮湿使种子发芽。
英文: Warmth is needed for the seeds to germinate .
中文: 种子发芽需要适当的温度.