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power house

发电所\n【化】 发电站\n【经】 发电厂

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英文: Based on the real machine test and the analysis on the prototype observation data from Lijiaxia Hydropower Station, the structural vibration characteristics of the power house is analyzed through the comparison made between the results of the measurements

中文: 摘要以李家峡水电站真机试验为背景,在分析原型观测数据的基础上,通过机组运行稳定性测试结果与厂房振动测试结果的对比,得出了厂房结构振动的特有规律。        更详细...
英文: In light of the increment of capacity of hydrogenerating units in Shitang Hydropower Plant, the vibration influence of the power house induced by increment of unit capacity and improvement has been studied, after checking and analying the vibration displa

中文: 摘要结合石塘水电站增容改造工程实例,对厂房结构的振动位移和频率进行了测试与分析,研究了水轮发电机增容改造对电站主厂房的振动影响。        更详细...
英文: It is suggested to introduce the structural vibration measurement on the power house into the relevant field experiment for hydropower station; that is quite significant to the safety monitoring on the structure of the power house concerned.

中文: 建议在今后的水电站现场试验中引入对厂房结构的振动测试,这对厂房结构的安全监控意义重大。        更详细...
英文: Milling system: cracker, muller, milling machine, conveyor, hoist, material house, fluidized bed furnace, helix mixing blade, ripe power house, static dust catcher and shaking motor.

中文: (四)制粉系统:由鄂破机、粉碎机、磨机、输送机、提升机、生料仓、沸腾炉、螺旋搅刀、熟粉料仓、静电除尘器及震打电机组成。        更详细...
英文: The excavation of the side slope of the power house for Zhikong Hydropower Station in Tibet is restricted by a narrow construction site and a limited construction period.

中文: 摘要西藏直孔水电站边坡石方开挖具有施工场地狭小、工期要求紧的特点。        更详细...

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