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object of study


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英文: Because the managerial farmer-farm laboruer mode of production elates closest to the agricultural commercialization, we should treat the managerial fanners as the main object of study while observing the influence that the agricultural commercialization,

中文: 由于和农业商品化联系最密切的是经营式农场主-雇农生产方式,所以考察农业商品化、世界经济、帝国主义等对中国小农经济的影响,就需要把经营式农场作为主要研究对象。        更详细...
英文: By means of quantitative evaluation on each constitutional element in the system, the hierachical selection of object of study for product innovation shows clearly for designers the direction of product improvement.

中文: 通过对系统内各构成元素的定量评价,有层次地选择产品创新研究对象,为设计人员指明产品改进的方向。        更详细...
英文: Other litigants include a coral-reef scientist who finds that his object of study is vanishing, and a couple who fear that their island home will be washed away.

中文: 其他诉讼当事人还包括一位珊瑚礁科学家,他发现自己的研究对象正在消失当中;另外一对夫妻,则担心自己位于岛上的家可能遭到海水淹没。        更详细...
英文: The post-modernistic film criticism in China, with its object of study covering all varieties of phenomena in films characteristic of post-modernism in China, has an apparent theoretical background owing to the strong influences by modern western film the

中文: 摘要后现代主义电影批评因为受到西方当代电影理论的强烈影响而有着鲜明的理论背景,它的研究对象囊括了中国具有后现代主义特征的电影在内的各种电影现象。        更详细...
英文: The study was focused on the deformation of the retaining wall and the internal forces in the reinforcements and the object of study included the effects of the vertical excitation, the reinforcement length, the reinforcement spacing, the weight of the fa

中文: 研究内容包括竖向地震影响、加筋长度、加筋层间隔、面板预制混凝土块重量、面板与填土界面摩擦角、预制混凝土块之间摩擦角等对加筋土挡墙变形、加筋层内力等的影响。        更详细...

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