英文: A happy-go-lucky sportsgal, she transfers from her school in the US to Taiwan, just to meet Zhuo Yiquan, her sports idol.
中文: 一个天生开朗的运动迷﹐她从美国转学到了台湾就只是为了看见左以泉﹐她的跳高偶像。
英文: A law introduced in 2003 restricted the right of collectives to reassign land within villages and provided a legal basis for transfers of land between peasants for farming.
中文: 2003年颁布的一部法律规制了集体对农村土地再分配的权限,同时,为农民之间进行土地流转提供法律基础。
英文: A method of access in which data transfers through input/output channels are made only as and when called for in a user program.
中文: 一种存取方法,只有当用户程序提出请求时,才能实现通过输入输出通道的数据传输。
英文: A sales contract is a contract whereby the seller transfers title to the subject matter to the buyer, who pays the price.
中文: 第一百三十条买卖合同是出卖人转移标的物的所有权于买受人,买受人支付价款的合同。
英文: Abstract: After the concept of the acoustic transfer has been explained, a method on the basis of the test results to solve the acoustic transfer is presented, that is to slove the system of linear equations about the acoustic transfers based on measureme
中文: 文摘:阐述了低频腔体声场的声传递函数的概念,提出了一种实验求解声传递函数的方法,即在腔体壁面各测点的力与速度、腔内关键位置力与声压之间频响函数测量的基础上,求解声传递函数的线性方程组。