英文: But as the couple made their way down the festival's famous Croisette in a chauffeur-driven car afterwards, the four-part scribing on her left shoulder was plainly visible.
中文: 而之后,当这对情侣乘车沿着戛纳著名的海滨大道前行时,茱丽左肩上的四部分纹身清晰可见。
英文: Strange Days on Planet Earth is a four-part science and natural history series which made use of innovative story telling to explore intriguing new discoveries about the health of our fragile planet.
中文: 《天惊地异》科学及历史系列共分四集,以另类说故事的手法,宏观地引导我们探索宇宙,并带出我们这个脆弱的宇宙所面临的健康问题,同时分享很多有趣的新发现。