英文: The sophist Protagoras came to the democratic city of Athens in order to educate human beings, or teach for pay the art of administering well the affairs of one's household and of the city by deed and by speech, the political art.
中文: 智者普罗塔哥拉来到民主的城邦——雅典,是为了教育人们,或者是为了有偿地教授行政艺术,一种通过实际行动和演说将家族和城邦的事务都管理得出色的技能,一种政治术。
英文: To be an anthroposophist in today's world means to be a pioneer, whether that pioneering is directed primarily inwards or outwards.
中文: 作为一个人智学者,意味着就是一个当今世界的先驱者,无论其所引领的是指向完初的内心世界还是外部世界。