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*[kә'rekt]\na. 正确的, 合适的\nvt. 改正, 订正\n【经】 修正

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英文: Abstract: In decades of years of striving for China's revolution and construction, influenced by Mao's theory of style, Deng Xiao-ping realized that it is necessary and important to rectify and remold incorrect styles of work.

中文: 文摘:邓小平在为中国革命和建设奋斗的几十年中,深得毛泽东作风学说的熏陶,也切实体会到作风改造的重要性和必要性。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: In order to improve the efficiencies of flue gas desulfurization, and to correct the backward of dry flue gas desulfuriziation and wet flue gas desulfurization.

中文: 文摘:为了提高中小燃煤锅炉的烟气脱硫效率,改进干法烟气脱硫技术、湿法烟气脱硫技术的不足之处,研究了半干半湿烟气脱硫方法。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: In this paper,the lawful metrological units were compared with the abrogated units in analytical chemistry,and the common mistakes in the application of the lawful metrological units were discussed.Some correct examples in the application of the

中文: 文摘:对分析化学领域中常见的法定计量单位与其对应的废弃形式进行了比较,指出了应用中常见的错误,并汇集了该领域中有关计量单位表述的正确范例。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: In view of present false medical morals and incorrect vogues in some vocations, combing with its practice, this article points out : stress Party's morals education to improve medical morals ; model a group with the representative ; restrict act

中文: 文摘:本文针对目前社会上不良的医德医风及行业不正之风,结合自己的实际工作,提出:以党风促医风、以典型塑群体,以制度束行为等有效治理措施,取得了明显效果。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: On the basis of setting up the angle motion mathematic model of the terminal correct projectile forced by impulse corrective force,this paper discusses the dynamic response of the terminal correct projectile and response spectrum.The general con

中文: 文摘:建立了末段脉冲修正弹在脉冲修正力作用下的角运动数学模型,分析了末段修正弹对脉冲修正力的动态响应特性和响应谱,给出了对尾翼稳定脉冲修正弹设计有普遍指导意义的结果。        更详细...

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