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*['miksiŋ]\nn. 混合, 混频\n【计】 混合\n【化】 混炼; 混合\n【医】 混合, 混和

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英文: A copolymer of water and wax via high-speed mixing with modern formula, it has durable brightness, protects rubber and leather surface from oxidation by water or oxygen; water solubility copolymer inside can keep and protect soft tissue without side effec

中文: 本品为水和蜡的共聚物,经先进配方高速混合而成,所以不但有持久的光亮度,更能起到保护橡胶、真皮、皮革表面不会被水或氧气氧化的等作用,更主要的是水溶性共聚物,对物体的软组织有保持和保护作用,更不会造成软组织破坏等副作用,使手感更柔软顺滑。        更详细...
英文: A further advantage of this method of working is that the sodium alcoholate can very conveniently be made by mixing the sodium with a proportion of the hydrocarbon which is to be used as the solvent for the reaction and adding the required amount of the a

中文: 另外这种方法还有一个优点:纳和一定比例的碳氢化合物混合在加入所需数量的乙醇可以方便制备乙醇纳,而碳氢化合物可以作为溶剂使用。        更详细...
英文: A hydrophilic-group mixing agent, it has the better abilities of cleaning and self foaming force, especially fits for foaming machine, unique paint emulsifier can make your car brighter and brighter, without any side effect for object or human body, direc

中文: 本品是亲水基型复配剂,不但有更好的清洗力,并具有特强的自发泡力,最适合洗车发泡机使用,独配的汽车漆面乳化剂,更能使您的座架越洗越光亮,对金属漆面,任何物体或人体无任何副作用,直接加入汽车发泡机内,按日常的操作就能达到清洗效果。        更详细...
英文: A timer is fixed to optionally adjust time of mixing freely.

中文: 装有定时器可以任意调节混合时间。        更详细...
英文: A kind of azo dye DYE-R was got by coupling reaction of diazonium salt of Congo red with -amino-8-naphthol--sulfonic acd. The colorful polaroid films were obtained by extension,racking and desiccation after mixing DYE-R with polyvinyl alcohol(PVAL).

中文: 以刚果红的重氮化物和-氨基-8-萘酚--磺酸偶合得到三偶氮染料DYE-R,再与聚乙烯醇(PVAL)水溶液混合后经流延、拉伸、干燥处理后得到彩色偏光膜。        更详细...

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