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special steel

【化】 特殊钢

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英文: Handan Zishan Special Steel Group founded in Nov. 2006, combined by mother company Handan Zishan Special Steel Co., Ltd, son companies Yongnian Jiaoyao Kengkou Electric Power Plant of Hebei Province, Yongnian County Jiaoyao Coal mineral, Handan Zishan Spe

中文: 邯郸市紫山特钢集团成立于2006年11月,由母公司邯郸市紫山特钢有限公司,子公司河北省永年县焦窑坑口电厂、河北省永年县焦窑煤矿、邯郸紫山特钢铸锻厂,成员单位河北永洋钢铁有限公司、永年县建发轧钢有限公司、永年县永兴钢铁有限公司、永年县通兴型材有限公司、永年县恒兴金属制品有限公司、永年县金山物资有限公司组建而成。        更详细...
英文: Mainly products are: special steel with yearly capacity 70,000 tons, special forging steel 30,000 tons, heavy rail, light rail, crane rail 500,000 tons, ∮6.5 high speed wire steel 300,00 tons, ∮16-18 kinds of round steel, alloy steel 1.2 million tons, cha

中文: 主要产品产量为:特钢产能7万吨,特钢锻材锻件3万吨,重轨、轻轨、起重轨50万吨,φ6.5高速线材30万吨,φ16—18各种圆钢、棒材120万吨,槽钢、工字钢等型材40万吨,产品销往全国各地市场,特别是特钢冷轧辊锻件在国际、国内市场享有盛誉,产品供不应求,远销美国、英国、日本、德国、巴基斯坦、印度等国家。        更详细...
英文: Ningbo Hengtai Special Steel Company Limited, which was set up in 2002, is a high science &technology private joint-stock enterprise.

中文: 宁波恒泰特种钢有限公司创建于2002年,系高科技民营股份制企业。        更详细...
英文: Protection measures against the occupational hazard of enclosed space work were discussed in the light of an argon gas suffocation accident happened in a special steel company in Shanghai as well as several other similar suffocation accidents in China.

中文: 摘要通过对上海某特钢有限公司发生的一起氩气窒息事故,以及国内其他几起同类事故的比较分析,阐述了避免密闭空间氩气作业环境职业病危害的防护措施。        更详细...
英文: The accident occurred on April 18 in a workshop in Qinghe Special Steel Corporation, in Tieling City, when a steel ladle -- used for pouring molten steel -- suddenly sheared off from the iron rail linking it to the blast furnace.

中文: 事故发生在4月18日,铁岭市清河特钢有限公司,一个用来运送钢水的钢包,突然从连接钢包和熔炉的铁轨上滑落。        更详细...

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