英文: The anomalous non-uniform heating induces anomalous cyclonic vorticity in South China, areas to the south of the Yangtse and its mid-lower valleys, but anomalous anticyclonic vorticity in the Indo-China Peninsula and South China Sea areas lead to the more
中文: 这种异常的非均匀加热状况导致我国华南、江南、长江中下游地区呈现异常气旋性涡度制造,而中南半岛大部和南海地区为异常反气旋性涡度制造,使得1998年6月副高位置异常偏南。
英文: The results show that vorticity advection, thermal advection and latent heat release made great contribution to the development of the depression.
中文: 中低层的温度平流、降水凝结释放潜热维持上升运动,是低压进一步发展的有利条件。
英文: Within this area is a double minimum in pressure with one center collocated with the vorticity maximum and the other about 3 km farther north.
中文: 在这一区域内有一对最小气压中心,一个与最大涡度中心相重合,另一个则在更向北3公里左右处。