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    On the basis of articles concerning moxibustion in Huangdi's Internal Classic, this paper discusses the origin, indications, clinical application, contraindications and techniques of moxibustion therapy.

    中文: 摘要根据《黄帝内经》有关艾灸条文,分析归纳艾灸疗法的起源、适应症、临床运用、禁忌症、补泻操作和壮数等。 更详细进入...
    Objective: To study the effect of moxibustion on anti-movement tiredness.

    中文: 目的:探讨艾灸消除运动疲劳。 更详细进入...
    It is said that acupuncture is painless.

    中文: 据说针灸没有疼痛感觉。 更详细进入...
    Clinical Observation of 50 Cases of Primary Trigeminal Neuralgia Treated with Acu-moxibustion;

    中文: 针灸治疗原发性三叉神经痛50例临床观察 更详细进入...
    P: I think moxibustion is more suitable for me, I feel relaxed after the treatment.

    中文: 我想艾灸对我更合适。做完这治疗后,我感到松快了。 更详细进入...
    Objective: Intergrated contemporary rehabilitation theory with traditional acu-moxi therapy, needling antagonist, moxing spasmus muscularis combined with rehabilitation to observe the acu-moxi's effects on membra spasticity of post-stroke patients.

    中文: 目的:将现代康复原理与传统针灸疗法相结合,针刺拮抗肌、艾灸痉挛肌配合康复训练,观察针灸对中风患者肢体痉挛的治疗作用。 更详细进入...
    Conclusion: Moxibustion have the function to anti-movement tiredness.

    中文: 结论:艾灸可为血乳酸的消除创造条件,具有抗运动疲劳作用。 更详细进入...
    D: In that case let's do some moxibustion instead of using needles. Please let me know if it's too hot.

    中文: 要是那样,咱们就别做针刺了。试试艾灸吧!感觉烫时请告诉我。 更详细进入...
    Acupuncture may cause a little pain, and it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention.

    中文: 针灸可能有点痛,而且也会使你感到有点麻木和发胀。 更详细进入...
    Acupuncture may cause a little pain, and it also causes a certain feeling of num e and distention.

    中文: 针灸可能有点痛,而且也会使你感到有点麻木和发胀。 更详细进入...
    In the last edition, Eric and I promised to uncover the secrets of TCM acupuncture for you.

    中文: 上一期节目中,我和艾里克说过要为你们揭开中医针灸的奥秘。 更详细进入...
    but moxibustion can rise the activity of Ach and ChAT (P<0.0) , and recede the activity of AchE (P<0.0).

    中文: 与老年组比较,艾灸组提高Ach、ChAT的活性(P<0.0),AchE活性则有所降低(P<0.0)。 更详细进入...
    Clinical Observation on Needling Antagonist & Moxing Spasmus Muscularis Combined with Rehabilitation Treatment of Mumbra Spasticity for Post-stroke Patients

    中文: 针刺拮抗肌、艾灸痉挛肌配合康复训练治疗中风后肢体痉挛临床观察 更详细进入...
    You rest for about 20 minutes with the needles in your skin.

    中文: 针灸针扎上后休息约20分钟。 更详细进入...
    Understanding the psychology and neurophysiology of acupuncture and pain will lead to a better theory.

    中文: 搞清楚针灸与痛的心理学和神经生理学,将会找到更好的理论。 更详细进入...
    Just as effective as acupuncture which we are using to treat you. But cupping therapy is specially good for pains.

    中文: 就像我们治疗你的病用的针灸一样有效。但是拔火罐特别适合痛症。 更详细进入...
    Just as effective as acupuncture which we are using to treat you. But cu ing therapy is ecially good for pai .

    中文: 就像我们治疗你的病用的针灸一样有效。但是拔火罐特别适合痛症。 更详细进入...
    Our company is working hard to make a situation of “Chinese Moxibustion” without toxic side effect for patient chosen first.

    中文: 国灸公司正努力营造一个患者首选无毒副作的的药灸“中华灸”的局面。 更详细进入...
    D:Just as effective as acupuncture which we are using to treat you. But cu ing therapy is ecially good for pai .

    中文: 医生:就像我们治疗你的病用的针灸一样有效。但是拔火罐特别适合痛症。 更详细进入...
    D:Just as effective as acupuncture which we are using to treat you. But cupping therapy is specially good for pains.

    中文: 医生:就像我们治疗你的病用的针灸一样有效。但是拔火罐特别适合痛症。 更详细进入...

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