Life would be dull without stories to enliven our imaginations and fire up our dreams.
中文: 如果没有故事,生活将变得呆板而无味,我们的想像力无法获得激发,梦想也无法点燃。 更详细进入...
What about the holy land? What about it?
中文: 圣地如何?我们如何? 更详细进入...
Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated.
中文: 微醉的因微醉而感到轻松和愉快的 更详细进入...
Stupor induced by a narcotic.
中文: 麻醉性昏睡麻醉药引起的昏迷状态 更详细进入...
Speech is silver,siilennce is gold.
中文: 雄辩如银,沉默如金. 更详细进入...
They only look at the record.
中文: 如果怎样又会如何? 更详细进入...
If it's meant to be, it will be.
中文: 天意如此,就该如此. 更详细进入...
It is better to sleep on it rather than ponder upon it with bloodshot eyes all night. Maybe we can find solutions in dreams.
中文: 与其两眼充血地整晚考虑这事,不如先缓一缓再说,或许在梦中还可以找到解决之道呢。 更详细进入...
But how the “greenhouse effect” operates and why such a tiny proportion of CO2 has such a harmful effect are still the two most puzzling questions haunting natural scientists today.
中文: 但是,温室效应怎样起作用,如此少量的二氧化碳为什么会具有如此有害的效应,仍然是两个最令自然科学家魂牵梦绕迷惑不解的问题。 更详细进入...
A full moon skirts the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, or limb, in this photo by astronaut Leroy Chiao. This photo to me is about dreaming,Chiao said.
中文: 一轮满月悬挂在地球大气层的边缘。焦立中说,这张照片中的美景对他而言就如同梦境。 更详细进入...
Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
中文: 啊,孩子。女人明晓孩子的一切,比如看牙医、恋爱、好友、喜欢的食品、害怕什么、愿望与梦想等。 更详细进入...
Having awakened India long ago from its Nehruvian dream that good intentions are sufficient to run foreign policy, Beijing is now helping New Delhi discover how Chinese diplomacy helps underpin assertive claims and ambitions.
中文: 北京早就把印度从尼赫鲁以为善意足以经营外交政策的梦中摇醒,北京如今帮助新德里发现中国外交是如何支撑自信的主张和野心的。 更详细进入...
Take a great electrical system, (the speakers, amplifiers, mixer, processing gear) and put it in a bad acoustical area, don't train the sound guy how to run it, and you'll have a nightmare.
中文: 拥有极好的设备(例如音箱,功放,调音台,处理器),将它们放在一个声学环境很糟糕的地方,不训练调音员如何使用这套系统,那么恶梦将伴随着你。 更详细进入...
When couples argue about money,they're arguing about something much bigger than that,such as hopes and dreams for their relationship.
中文: 如果一对夫妻为钱而争吵,实际上他们是正在为更大的事情而争吵,诸如为他们之间的关系是否还有希望和梦想而争吵。,(经典啊,都要哭了!) 更详细进入...
A narcotic, especially an addictive narcotic.
中文: 麻药一种麻醉剂,尤指易成瘾的麻醉剂 更详细进入...
What about elephants? What about us?
中文: 大象们如何,我们如何? 更详细进入...
It is essential that the anesthesiologist continuously assess the depth of anesthesia.
中文: 麻醉师必须持续不断地评估麻醉深度。 更详细进入...
The rarity of alcoholism in Chinese society may be due to marked sensitivity to alcohol, associated with high levels of acetaldehyde, in this population.
中文: 体质与遗传的差异,如乙醛去氢脢缺乏、对酒精过度敏感,以致耐受性不足容易醉酒,是最常被提出的解释。 更详细进入...
There are footsteps and loud voices; - a tumult; - a drunken brawl; - an alarm of fire; - then silence again.
中文: 耳边可以听到脚步声和响亮的说话声;-一阵喧闹;-一阵酒醉后的吵嚷声;-一阵火灾的报警声;-接着,寂静如初。 更详细进入...