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    Results:The diameter of the incisal nerve in mandible with complete dentition was 7±0 ,and 0±0 mm in edentulous mandible.

    中文: 果 :下牙槽神经前端分为切牙神经和颏神经 ,有牙颌切牙神经直径为 7± 0 mm ,无牙颌切牙神经直径为 0± 0 mm ; 更详细进入...
    Muzzle -- The muzzle, proportionately developed in length, width and depth, has a shape influenced first through the formation of both jawbones, second through the placement of the teeth, and third through the texture of the lips.

    中文: 口吻:长度、宽度及深度比例匀称,构成口吻轮廓的首先是上下颚,其次是牙齿的位置,第三是嘴唇。 更详细进入...
    You might have a splitting headache, or a slipped disk, bad breath, a toothache, chronic gas, dry lips, or a nasty ingrown toenail.

    中文: 你可能会头疼欲裂,或重心不稳跌个正著,口臭、牙痛、不停放屁、口干舌燥,或是指甲长到肉里头了。 更详细进入...
    Morphological Comparison of Different Cultured Variety of Radix Morindae Offlcinalis in GAP Base

    中文: 巴戟天规范化种植基地不同农家类型的调查和比较研究 更详细进入...
    I was fitted an artificial tooth by the dentist.

    中文: 牙医给我镶了颗假牙。 更详细进入...
    The baby is learning to talk (or speak).

    中文: 这婴儿正在牙牙学语。 更详细进入...
    The dentist gave me a temporary filling.

    中文: 牙医给我暂时的补牙。 更详细进入...
    Supporting upstairs.Change your bad customs in you life.First ,you should rinse your mouth after having meal,this is very important.Following don't forget brush your teeth when you get up and go to bed.REMEMBER!

    中文: 看看有没有蛀牙,如果没有就看看胃好不好.一般都是这两方面引起的.现在有一种药叫口苦口臭一把抓,外用有口泰,还可以防止口腔溃疡的哦! 更详细进入...
    The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.

    中文: 牙髓病学研究牙根、牙髓及其周围组织疾病的牙医学的一个分支 更详细进入...
    Although he has been described as gangly and ungainly, he has silenced his critics with two outstanding performances in recent pre-World Cup ‘friendlies' against Hungary and Jamaica.

    中文: 虽然他被称为是瘦高笨拙,但他在与匈牙利和牙买加为对手的近期的世界杯中的卓越表现令评论者哑口无言。 更详细进入...
    Taxi to runway 21 and by-pass the Trident standing on the run-up pad.

    中文: 滑行至21号跑道,在三叉戟停放试车场地旁的滑行道滑过去。 更详细进入...
    Sequence analysis based on ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA and comparative anatomy on the leaves of five species in Euphorbia

    中文: 五种大戟属植物nrDNA的ITS序列分析及其叶的比较解剖学研究 更详细进入...
    Flossing is no longer freakish.

    中文: 用牙线剃牙不再古怪。 更详细进入...
    Why floss? Even the most careful brushing reaches only three-fifths of all tooth surfaces. And dental floss can go where no brush has gone before: between teeth, along the gumline.

    中文: 为什么要用牙线?因为即使最认真地刷牙也只能刷到所有牙齿表面的五分之三,而牙线能够到达牙刷从没到过的地方:牙缝和牙龈线附近。 更详细进入...
    Previous research has shown the drink to be useful in the prevention of other mouth diseases such as caries and periodontal disease, which are also risk factors for oral cancer.

    中文: 之前的研究已经证明,绿茶对防治其它口腔疾病确实有用,如龋齿、牙周病等,而这些口腔疾病也是导致口腔癌的危险诱因。 更详细进入...
    The rapid growing Hispanic population, in particular, is leading to an increased interest in Spanish.

    中文: 特别是快速成长的西语人口,更让大众对西班牙语的兴趣大大提升。 更详细进入...
    A tooth with a single cusp. Cuspids have the longest root of any tooth. Also known as a Canine.

    中文: 只有一个牙尖的牙齿.任何一个尖牙都有一个较长的牙根.也称为犬齿. 更详细进入...
    Progress in research on formation of dentin-pulp complex Part Ⅲ:Formation of dentin-pulp complex in vitro

    中文: 牙本质牙髓复合体的形成研究(三) 牙本质牙髓复合体的离体形成研究 更详细进入...
    The dentist used amalgam to fill my teeth.

    中文: 牙医用汞合金给我补牙. 更详细进入...
    Is halbert made in Sui Tang period?It is rare in Ming Qing dynasty,but it doesn't appear in Song dynasty.

    中文: 是不是隋唐时期形制的戟啊?明清时期很少这样的,宋也没有。 更详细进入...

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