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    Without a sense of your fault, how can repentance and amendment be expected?

    中文: 如果对自己的错误都不能认识到,怎么能指望你会悔改呢? 更详细进入...
    I gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality.

    中文: 启2:21我曾给他悔改的机会、他却不肯悔改他的淫行。 更详细进入...
    Have you seen the latest statistics on crime?

    中文: 你看到最新的犯罪统计资料了吗? 更详细进入...
    Did that make sense to you?

    中文: 现在后悔不得了。 更详细进入...
    It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.

    中文: 笨羊才向狼忏悔。 更详细进入...
    Sooner or later, you will repent it.

    中文: 迟早你会后悔的。 更详细进入...
    Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making good words!

    中文: 后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪,后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误.,所以不要后悔。 更详细进入...
    Penitence is something that enervates our spi*t, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself, so never regret.

    中文: 后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪.后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误.所以不要后悔。 更详细进入...
    Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself, so never regret.

    中文: 后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪.后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误.所以不要后悔。 更详细进入...
    When you find that your life is coming to an end and you will not be given a chance to relive, you regret.

    中文: 当发现生命即将结束,我们不会有机会重新生活时,才感到后悔。 更详细进入...
    Sim on maintained he was i ocent.

    中文: 辛普森一直声称自己清白无罪。 更详细进入...
    Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.

    中文: 匆促结婚必后悔。 更详细进入...
    4 Tens = condemnation; 3 Tens = new condition; 2 Tens = change.

    中文: 4张十=谴责、定罪;3张十=新状况、新环境;2张十=改变。 更详细进入...
    His own actions are his condemnation.

    中文: 他自己的所作所为定了他的罪。 更详细进入...
    That is why suicide is such a great crime.

    中文: 这是为什么自杀的罪过这么大。 更详细进入...
    They advised the criminal to surrender to the police.

    中文: 他们劝这个罪犯去向警察自首。 更详细进入...
    Are the seeds of criminal behaviour sown early in life?

    中文: 犯罪行为的根源是否始自幼时? 更详细进入...
    Simpson maintained he was innocent.

    中文: 辛普森一直声称自己清白无罪。 更详细进入...
    They confess to murders they haven't committed.

    中文: 他们供认了自己未犯的谋杀罪。 更详细进入...
    We must take full responsibility for our own sins.

    中文: 我们必须为自己的罪孽负全责。 更详细进入...

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